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Monday’s Message

Rising Above

Clarity, Freedom, Solution

Bright Blessings,

Today’s card sends a message of letting go of closed thoughts. The dove in the card is flying high above to get better insight and clarity on life’s current situations. She flies high above to gain a higher perspective. And this card suggests that you do the same. You can’t do this physically, but you can do this mentally. Disconnect emotionally from your present situation, no matter what that situation is, stop pondering on it. Your currently to involved to see things clearly and a simply solution exists. It will all become clear when you let go,and stop focusing on the situation for a while. Bring your awareness within, close your eyes and relax, meditate, surrender and fully let go. Take a walk in the park, dance and have fun. Do whatever it takes to detach yourself from things for a while. Solitude is an amazing thing and through that solitude is where you truly find the answers you seek. The solution will become obvious when the time is right.


I surrender this situation to the universal power of love

I trust that all is well in my life

I look at my life from a higher perspective

I am divinely guided

All is clear in my life- I am safe

I hope today’s message helps to bring clarity and guide you to where you need to be.

Love & Light

Spiritual Butterfly 🦋🕯🧘🏽‍♀️

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